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  2. World of Tanks Forum Closure On May 20, 2024, the official World of Tanks (WoT) forums were permanently closed. After many years of service, the forums were shut down. This decision surprised and disappointed many players who loved the forums. For years, the forums were a place where players could talk about game strategies, share personal stories, and help each other out. Losing them felt like losing an important part of the community's history. The forums held a lot of valuable information. Players shared their game strategies, tips, and personal experiences. For many, the forums were more than just a place to chat—they were like a library full of guides, a record of past battles, and a collection of great memories. Players formed strong connections there, and it was a central place for everything related to the game, from technical help to tips for new players. The Alternative: KoreanRandom But not all is lost. If you enjoyed the format of the old forums or liked reading guides, mods, and discussions from other players, there is still hope. Visit the World of Tanks Forum section or the Mods For World of Tanks section at KoreanRandom forums. KoreanRandom is a great alternative for players who want a traditional forum experience. KoreanRandom has been a popular place for World of Tanks fans for a long time. In fact, KoreanRandom has been around even before World of Tanks was released in 2010. Because it has been around for so long, it has a solid reputation for being a reliable forum for the gaming community. It’s also very unlikely to close anytime soon, which makes it a good, long-term place for players to gather. A Wealth of User-Generated Content KoreanRandom has a lot of user-generated content, like guides for mods, technical tweaks, and detailed gameplay discussions. It feels similar to the old forums, allowing players to share mods, debate strategies, and exchange technical information about the game. The platform has so many user contributions that it’s like a treasure chest for any World of Tanks fan. Whether you're new and need advice or an experienced player looking to get more out of your favorite tank, KoreanRandom has something for you. Reconnecting with the Community For those who are still getting used to the change, KoreanRandom is a good way to reconnect with the classic forum experience while still being part of the community. It keeps that familiar feel: you can find long discussions and projects related to mods, tactics, and game tweaks. Because it is community-run, it is shaped by players for players, which means it has all the diversity, passion, and honesty of the old forums. On KoreanRandom, players feel free to discuss all parts of the game, including its problems and challenges, in a helpful and respectful way. Yes, you can even share your criticisms about Wargaming, as long as you do so constructively. Mods, Guides, and More KoreanRandom isn’t just a place for discussions. It’s also a place where players can find mods to customize their game, like HUD changes, sound packs, and visual improvements. The forums have detailed guides for both beginners and experienced players, with instructions on everything from basic installation to advanced adjustments that can improve gameplay. This makes KoreanRandom an amazing resource for anyone who wants to get more out of their World of Tanks experience. A Community Evolving Even though the official World of Tanks forums are gone, the community hasn’t lost its voice. KoreanRandom is the perfect home for those who miss the deep discussions and helpful posts of the old forums. The World of Tanks community is still alive and well, sharing knowledge, mods, and passion. It might look a little different now, but it is still vibrant and spread across different platforms. If you’re looking for a place to fill the gap left by the official forums closing, head over to the World of Tanks Forum section or the Mods For World of Tanks section at KoreanRandom. There, you’ll find familiar discussions, lots of technical know-how, and a place to keep sharing your World of Tanks journey. Whether you’re interested in mods, strategies, or just the comfort of a traditional forum, KoreanRandom is ready to welcome you.
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  4. Новости прошедших месяцев: Обновление консольной версии PHP до 8.2 на серверах виртуального хостинга CentOS Stream 9 и Ubuntu 24.04 стали доступны для установки на виртуальные серверы Новая версия окружения для виртуальных машин VMBitrix 9.0 с поддержкой CentOS Stream 9 Изменения и улучшения после перевода серверов виртуального хостинга на CloudLinux 9 Новые обучающие статьи в базе знаний: Выбор и переустановка операционной системы - https://lite.host/faq/vds/vibor-pereustanovka-operatsionnoy-sistemi Подключение по VNC - https://lite.host/faq/vds/podklyuchenie-po-vnc Настройка перенаправлений в WordPress - https://lite.host/faq/hosting/nastroyka-perenapravleniy-wordpress Отключение IPV6 на хостинге - https://lite.host/faq/hosting/otklyuchenie-ipv6-na-hostinge Оптимизация изображений в WordPress - https://lite.host/faq/hosting/optimizatsiya-izobrazheniy-wordpress
  5. Правда. Принимаются только грузинские или международные банковские карты, либо транспортная карта. На актуальном объявлении в одном из центров продаж написаны эти адреса: ADDRESSES WHERE YOU CAN BUY BATUMI CARD NAZILBE Nikolay Gogoli 13 Besiki 49/51 Lermontovis 125 Javakhishvili 80 Dadiani 3 Israfil Djincharidze 1 WILLMART Inasaridze 14A Kobaladze 4 DAILY David Kldiashvili 20/22 Gogebashvili 32 Khimshiashvili 27 Gorgiladze 61 Parnavaz Mepe 101 Parnavaz Mepe 67 Grishashvili 15 Обычно по этим адресам карточки продаются в специальном оранжевом терминале. Цена одной карточки - 2 лари (будут на балансе карточки). Цена одного проезда в автобусе - 30 тетри (0.30 лари).
  6. Скоро еду в Батуми на неделю. Правда, что в автобусах нельзя ездить за наличные? Где тогда купить транспортную карту Батуми Batumi Card?
  7. For player statistics: The XVM website provides detailed stats with ratings and graphs. For forums: https://koreanrandom.com/forum/
  8. WoT-Labs hasn't worked for a long time. It seems to be abandoned and probably won't be available again. What are the alternatives?
  9. За прошедший месяц у нас появились следующие новости: В услуге «Почта для домена» добавили гибкую настройку пересылки писем и автоматических ответов, возможность применения фильтров к существующим письмам, управление автоматической очисткой почтовых ящиков. Подробнее https://lite.host/news/obnovlenie-filtrov-i-ochistka-pisem-v-usluge-pochta-dlya-domena Вышли новые обучающие статьи в базе знаний: Установка и настройка виртуальной машины Битрикс - https://lite.host/faq/vds/ustanovka-nastroyka-virtualnoy-mashini-bitriks Проверка открытых портов - https://lite.host/faq/vds/proverka-otkritih-portov Настройка нового приложения «Outlook для Windows» - https://lite.host/faq/mail/nastroyka-novogo-prilozheniya-outlook-dlya-windows Изменение пароля root пользователя - https://lite.host/faq/vds/izmenenie-parolya-root-polzovatelya Авторизация по SSH с использованием ключа - https://lite.host/faq/vds/avtorizatsiya-po-ssh-ispolzovaniem-klyucha
  10. Efficacy / Efficiency Efficacy: The ability to produce a desired or intended result. It's often used in the context of how well something works in theory (e.g., "The efficacy of the new drug was proven in clinical trials"). Efficiency: The ability to achieve a result with minimum wasted effort or resources. It focuses on the process and how well resources are used (e.g., "The efficiency of the machine improved production"). Complement / Compliment Complement: Something that completes or goes well with something (e.g., "The wine is a perfect complement to the meal"). Compliment: A polite expression of praise or admiration (e.g., "She received many compliments on her dress"). Stationary / Stationery Stationary: Not moving; still (e.g., "The car remained stationary at the traffic light"). Stationery: Paper, envelopes, and other writing materials (e.g., "She bought new stationery for her office"). Affect / Effect Affect: A verb meaning to influence (e.g., "The news will affect her mood"). Effect: A noun meaning the result or outcome (e.g., "The effect of the new policy was immediate"). Prescribe / Proscribe Prescribe: To recommend or authorize (e.g., "The doctor will prescribe medication"). Proscribe: To forbid or prohibit (e.g., "The law proscribes the use of certain chemicals"). Principle / Principal Principle: A fundamental truth or proposition (e.g., "He follows the principle of honesty"). Principal: The head of a school or the main person in a situation; also refers to a sum of money (e.g., "The principal of the school" or "The principal amount of the loan"). Accept / Except Accept: To receive or agree to something (e.g., "She accepted the invitation"). Except: To exclude (e.g., "Everyone except John attended the meeting"). Advice / Advise Advice: A noun meaning guidance or recommendations (e.g., "He gave me good advice"). Advise: A verb meaning to offer guidance or recommendations (e.g., "I advise you to consult a lawyer"). Altogether / All together Altogether: Entirely or completely (e.g., "The project was altogether successful"). All together: When referring to people or things being in the same place at the same time (e.g., "The family was all together for the holidays"). Incredible / Incredulous Incredible: Difficult to believe; amazing (e.g., "The magician's performance was incredible"). Incredulous: Unwilling or unable to believe something (e.g., "She gave him an incredulous look"). Ensure / Insure Ensure: To make certain that something will happen (e.g., "He will ensure that the project is completed on time"). Insure: To protect against financial loss through insurance (e.g., "You should insure your car"). Historic / Historical Historic: Having importance or significance in history (e.g., "The signing of the treaty was a historic event"). Historical: Relating to history or past events (e.g., "She studied historical documents"). Humerus / Humorous Humerus: The bone of the upper arm or forelimb (e.g., "The humerus connects the shoulder to the elbow"). Humorous: Funny or making you laugh (e.g., "His humorous remarks lightened the mood"). Capital / Capitol Capital: A city where a government is based; also refers to financial assets (e.g., "The capital of France is Paris" or "He invested his capital in the business"). Capitol: The building where a legislative body meets (e.g., "The U.S. Capitol is in Washington, D.C."). Elicit / Illicit Elicit: To draw out or bring forth (e.g., "The teacher's question elicited a thoughtful response"). Illicit: Forbidden by law, rules, or custom (e.g., "They were involved in illicit activities"). Continuous / Continual Continuous: Uninterrupted in time; without breaks (e.g., "The continuous hum of the air conditioner"). Continual: Repeated frequently; not constant but recurring (e.g., "The continual interruptions were frustrating"). Discreet / Discrete Discreet: Careful and prudent in one's speech or actions to avoid causing offense or gaining an advantage (e.g., "She was discreet about her friend's private matters"). Discrete: Separate or distinct (e.g., "The project was divided into discrete phases"). Eminent / Imminent Eminent: Famous and respected within a particular sphere (e.g., "An eminent scientist in her field"). Imminent: About to happen; impending (e.g., "The storm's arrival was imminent"). Formally / Formerly Formally: In a manner that is official or ceremonious (e.g., "She was formally introduced at the event"). Formerly: Previously or in the past (e.g., "He was formerly a professor at the university"). Nauseous / Nauseated Nauseous: Experiencing nausea; feeling sick (e.g., "The smell made her feel nauseous"). Although traditionally, "nauseous" meant causing nausea, it's now commonly used to describe the feeling of nausea itself. Nauseated: Feeling sick to the stomach (e.g., "He felt nauseated after the rough boat ride").
  11. За прошедший месяц появились 2 новости: · Обновили защиту от входящего спама для услуги «Почта для домена». Фильтрация писем стала лучше за счёт использования единой базы сигнатур, а также внедрения новых алгоритмов обучения. · Объединили все серверы с панелью ISPmanager в единый DNS-кластер. Перенос сайтов между серверами стал удобнее, теперь можно использовать единые серверы ns5.lite-host.in и ns6.lite-host.su при размещении сайтов. Вышли новые обучающие статьи в базе знаний: 1. Как войти в панель администратора WordPress - https://lite.host/faq/hosting/kak-voyti-panel-administratora-wordpress 2. Обработка жалоб и ограничение доступа к сайту - https://lite.host/faq/billing/obrabotka-zhalob-ogranichenie-dostupa-saytu 3. Защита сайта от атак с помощью CloudFlare - https://lite.host/faq/domains/zashchita-sayta-ot-atak-pomoshchyu-cloudflare
  12. Mamba is a new large language model (LLM) architecture that employs a fascinating approach to text processing. What makes it so unique? 1. SSM Instead of RNN: Mamba utilizes state space models (SSM) instead of recurrent neural networks (RNN), which are typically employed in LLMs. SSMs, like RNNs, excel at handling long texts, but SSMs achieve this more efficiently by processing information as a single large matrix operation. 2. Gated MLP for Enhanced Flexibility: Mamba combines SSMs with Gated MLP, a specialized type of neural network that helps the model better "focus" on crucial parts of the text. What are the advantages of this approach? Efficiency: Mamba can reuse computations, saving memory and time. Scalability: Mamba handles very long texts (up to a million words!) better than other models, such as Transformer++. Competitiveness: Mamba demonstrates outstanding results in language understanding tests, even surpassing models twice its size! Overall, Mamba is a promising development in the world of LLMs: It offers a novel approach to text processing that may prove to be more efficient and scalable. Early results appear promising, and it will be intriguing to observe Mamba's performance in the future. What are your thoughts on Mamba? Share your opinion!
  13. Go to https://myaccount.google.com/connections. You can also get there from Google Account settings: "My Account" -> "Data And Privacy" -> "Third-party apps & services". Find "Mediavine Dashboard" in the list of connected third-party apps. Click to delete all connections you have with Mediavine Dashboard. Confirm.
  14. Developers from 01.ai have created an impressive AI model (LLM). Based on the LMSYS Arena results, it approaches the coding quality of top proprietary models. GitHub: 01-ai Hugging Face: 01-ai Official Website: https://01.ai We are eagerly awaiting the release of Yi-Large in open source; it is expected to be excellent! Happy coding, everyone! ☺️
  15. Details from the paper: Stability AI are building bigger and better AI image generators, focusing on a technique called "rectified flow" and a novel architecture called "MM-DiT." Background: Diffusion Models Imagine teaching an AI to paint by first adding noise to a picture until it's unrecognizable, then making it "unpaint" step-by-step back to the original. That's the essence of diffusion models, the current go-to for AI image generation. The AI learns by reversing this noise-adding process, eventually generating new images from pure noise. Problem: The Winding Road of Diffusion The learning path of traditional diffusion models can be indirect and computationally expensive. This is where rectified flow comes in - it creates a straight-line path from noise to data, leading to faster learning and more efficient image generation with fewer steps. Solution: Straightening the Path with Rectified Flow This article delves into the math behind rectified flow, focusing on: Flow trajectories: Defining the precise path the AI takes from noise to image. SNR samplers: Optimizing how the AI learns by focusing on the most important stages of the noise-removal process. The researchers introduce novel SNR samplers like logit-normal sampling and mode sampling with heavy tails, which improve the AI's ability to learn and generate high-quality images. Building a Better Brain: The MM-DiT Architecture To create images from text descriptions, the AI needs to understand both modalities. The MM-DiT architecture tackles this by: Modality-specific representations: Using separate "brains" for text and images, allowing each to excel in its domain. Bi-directional information flow: Enabling the text and image "brains" to communicate and refine the generated image. This results in a more robust and accurate understanding of both text and visual elements, leading to better image quality and prompt adherence. Scaling Up for Stunning Results The researchers trained their MM-DiT models at an unprecedented scale, reaching 8 billion parameters (individual components of the AI's "brain"). This allows the AI to learn more complex patterns and produce highly detailed, realistic images. Key Improvements: Improved autoencoders: Using enhanced image compression techniques allows for better image quality at smaller file sizes. Synthetic captions: Training the AI on both human-written and AI-generated captions leads to a richer understanding of language and concepts. QK-normalization: A technique borrowed from large language models stabilizes the training process for massive AI models. Flexible text encoders: Using multiple text encoders allows for a trade-off between computational cost and accuracy during image generation. Impact and Future Directions: The results are impressive, with the new models outperforming existing state-of-the-art AI image generators in both automated benchmarks and human evaluations. This research paves the way for even more sophisticated and creative AI artists capable of generating stunningly realistic and imaginative content.
  16. Prepare to be amazed! Stability AI has just launched Stable Diffusion 3 Medium, a powerful new AI model that transforms text into stunning images. This latest version boasts major upgrades, delivering better image quality, sharper text within images, and a deeper understanding of your creative prompts. It's also more efficient, using resources wisely. Here's what you need to know: How it works: This model is built on cutting-edge technology called a "Multimodal Diffusion Transformer". Simply put, it learns from massive amounts of data (images and text) and uses this knowledge to create new, unique images based on your text descriptions. For the love of art, not profit: Stable Diffusion 3 Medium is available under a special research license, meaning it's free for non-commercial projects like academic studies or personal art. Want to use it commercially? Stability AI offers a Creator License for professionals and an Enterprise License for businesses. Visit their website or contact them for details. Get creative with ComfyUI: For using the model on your own computer, Stability AI recommends ComfyUI. It's a user-friendly interface to make image generation a breeze. Stable Diffusion 3 Medium is designed for a variety of uses, including: Creating stunning artworks Powering design tools Developing educational and creative applications Furthering research on AI image generation Stability AI emphasizes responsible AI use, taking steps to minimize potential harm. They have implemented safety measures and encourage users to follow their Acceptable Use Policy. This release is a major step forward in AI image generation, offering greater accessibility and impressive capabilities for researchers, artists, and creative minds. We can't wait to see what you create with it! Huggingface repo: https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium Research paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2403.03206 NEDNEX article: https://nednex.com/en/stable-diffusion-3-a-leap-forward-in-ai-image-generation/
  17. За май вышли новые обучающие статьи в базе знаний: Проверка и восстановление файловой системы - https://lite.host/faq/vds/proverka-vosstanovlenie-faylovoy-sistemi Контактная форма для WordPress - https://lite.host/faq/hosting/kontaktnaya-forma-dlya-wordpress Размер почтовых вложений - https://lite.host/faq/mail/razmer-pochtovih-vlozheniy Файл подкачки (SWAP) - https://lite.host/faq/vds/fayl-podkachki-swap Установка NextCloud - https://lite.host/faq/hosting/ustanovka-nextcloud
  18. Новое название Тинькофф Банка: Т-Банк Новый адрес сайта: tbank.ru Новый логотип: Новые названия сопутствующих сервисов: Т-Инвестиции Т-Мобайл Т-Страхование T-Касса T-Pay T-ID
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